
 Interpretation services

  • Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation for smaller groups (meetings, meeting with a foreign business partner, accompanying foreign guests during the visit of a company, factory, conclusion of a contract or other business, etc.)
  • Accompanying tourists as a tourist guide or a delegate during trips abroad
  • Arrangement of phone calls, of immediate ones  too – calling, receiving a call (telephone, mobile phone, Skype)
  • Helping foreign tourists or visitors  with communication during their stay in Slovakia (assistance with the arrangement of documents, official documents, at the post office, accompanying during sightseeing, at the shops, etc.)

    Payment for interpretation services is for an entire 1 hour of interpretation (60 minutes). For a longer interpretation the price for 1 hour of interpretation is multiplied by the number of hours spent interpreting. Also  every unfinished hour of interpreting must be paid as well.

Translation services

  • Translation of scientific and non-scientific texts, articles
  • Translation of official documents (invoice, acknowledgements, birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, extracts from registers, school report, documents for insurance companies, verifications, bank statements, etc.)
  • Translation of legal documents (various types of contracts, acts, regulations, proclamations, legal actions, verdicts, resolutions, etc.)
  • Translation of emails (or write an email), letters, postcards, short texts related to work, etc.)
  • Translation of internet web pages, blogs
  • Translation of magazines, newspapers, extracts from books, booklets, catalogues

Payment for translation is for 1 standard page, which represents 30 lines and 1,800 characters of a text. This sum is multiplied by the number of translated pages. Payment is also for an incomplete translated standard page.

Tuitional services

Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language

  • Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language for primary school students (10-15 years old) – individual or group tuition (2-3 students)
  • Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language for secondary school students (15-18 years old) - individual or group tuition (2-3 students)
  • Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language for adults - individual or group tuition (2-3 students)
  • Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language for seniors (from 60 years old)
  • Preparation of secondary school students for school-leaving exams (written, oral)
  • Preparation for various language exams (Cambridge, TOEFL, etc.)
  • Tuition and tutorage of a foreign language in a  subject field (technology, medicine, machine industry, engineering, etc.)
  • Tuition of a foreign language for companies, factories, plants, etc.)
  • Grammar practising of a foreign language (without conversation)
  • Practising of communication skills in a foreign language (suitable for workplaces where communication in a foreign language is required)

Tuition takes place in the premises of the language studio or outside of it (according to agreement). Generally, a standard class has the duration of 60 minutes, but of course you can choose any other type of teaching class (45 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, etc.). All languages levels are taught (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2).

Language levels

The assessment of language levels is determined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

CEFR is a document of the Council of Europe which defines 6 categories of language proficiency - – A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

  • A1 - Breakthrough or beginner
  • A2 - Waystage or elementary
  • B1 - Threshold or intermediate
  • B2 - Vantage or upper intermediate
  • C1 - Effective operational proficiency or advanced
  • C2 - Mastery or proficiency

Each level is interlocked. If you begin to learn a foreign language, you start with level A1 and after mastering it you continue with A2. It is very particular how long does it take to pass a level.

Level A1 – Beginner

If people speak slowly and clearly, you understand basic words and phrases. You communicate with simple sentences about basic things. You read and understand simple notices, posters, cautions. You are able to write a simple postcard, message, fill in a form.

Level A2 -  Elementary

You understand the most common vocabulary in a context. You can orientate yourself in the text of an advertisement, a notice, a short message, a schedule. You make a social contact but to keep the conversation running is difficult for you. You are able to write a simple letter, a message, an acknowledgement.

Level B1 – Intermediate

You understand the punch line of a TV program or news. You can handle most of the situations that require talking and understanding. You are able to describe your experiences, plans, tell a simple story. You can write an easy coherent text on topics you are acquainted with.

Level B2 – Upper Intermediate

You can understand longer talk and lectures if you are familiar with the topic. You understand most of the films and books in their original standard language. You can lead a standard conversation with a native speaker and actively take part in discussions about known topics. You are able to write a comprehensive text about topics you know, write a paper or a report.

Level C1 – Advanced

You understand a longer talk even when it is not clearly structured and relations are only insinuated. You read factual and literary texts. You are able to express yourself fluently and spontaneously without apparent search for words, you use the language for social and professional purposes. You are able to clearly and fully describe complex topics and end a talk with a suitable ending.

Level C2 – Proficiency

You do not have any troubles with understanding any kind of spoken language. You can easily read all forms of written language. Without any effort you are able to take part in any conversation or discussion and you are in control of idiomatic and colloquial expressions. You can write a smoothly fluent text in different styles.